
Sunday, December 22, 2019

Dragon Ball Super Mangabände - Verschiedene Übersetzungen

Band 11

Abgesehen vom eigentlichen Manga enthalten die Mangabände verschiedene andere Text oder Kommentare, die ich hier von meinen japanischen Bänden übersetzt bereitstelle. Wird nach und nach ergänzt^^

Band 11: "Großer Ausbruch"

Kommentar von Toyotaro:
Meister Toriyama hat mich angewiesen, wie die Kopfbeugung korrekt auszusehen hat... Natürlich als Bildergeschichte (lacht).

(Anm.: Bild zeigt wie sich Jaco vor dem Galaktischen König dafür entschuldigt, dass sie Moro nicht wieder einfangen konnten, inklusive Toyotaro's Entwurf der Szene und Toriyama's Korrektur).

Zusammen mit dem Groß-Kaioshin aus dem Inneren von Boo geht der Kampf gegen den schrecklichen Moro vom Weltraum wieder zurück nach Neu-Namek. Jedoch geraten Son-Goku und seine Gefährten durch Moros dritten Wunsch plötzlich ins Hintertreffen und müssen fürs Erste flüchen! Werden sie eine Technik finden, mit der sie kontern können?

Band 12: "Merus' wahre Identität"

Kommentar von Toyotaro:
Ich habe ja schon das eine oder andere Hobby, aber nichts worüber man groß was erzählen könnte. Es sind halt dieselben, die andere Leute auch haben. Von daher rede ich auch über nichts anderes als Dragon Ball.

Zusammen mit dem Oberschurken Moro haben es die entkommenen Häftlinge aus dem Galaktischen Gefängnis auf Planeten mit hoher Lebenskraft abgesehen und stürmen wie wild durch die Galaxien!! Und dann taucht auf der Erde auch noch die Galaktische Räuberbande mit Seven-Three auf, der eine Kopierfähigkeit besitzt. Stehen Piccolo und die anderen nun zu einer Zeit, wo Son-Goku nicht da ist, vor einer schwierigen Schlacht?

Saturday, December 14, 2019








Wednesday, December 4, 2019

追放されたの兄 - ドラゴンボール・ファンフィクション#002





「ほお。フリーザちゃん、コルド星の生活楽しんでいるんですか?」クウラに忌々しく聞かれた。「よくも! フリーザは怒りと短気でクウラに攻撃した。クウラは王城から近くの氷の湖に飛ぶれた。「ほほほ。勝負しようか?」「違いますよ。てめえ殺したいことにした、兄さん。あなたの代わりにパパと宇宙に行く。後任になる。」フリーザが叫びた。クウラは あなたのクソガキはまだ弱すぎる!一番息子の力を見せてあげる。 クウラはスーパーノヴァを準備していた時に突然攻撃された。 王城からクウラの肩が当たれた。
「死んだのか?」 コルド大王が聞いた「いいよ、残念ながら、まだ生きている。じゃあ、とどめを...」

「フリーザ!!! 何の用に来た?」


  • カルトという衛星の名前はドイツ語の 「kalt」から。意味は英語の「cold」と同じ「寒い」です。
  • 初めにフリーザのブロリーの映画の最後の文章を使った
  • コルド大王のビルスと魔人ブウについてのアドバイスは「復活のF」から
  • この話は次のドラゴンボールの映画のアイデアです。例えば「ドラゴンボール超クウラ

Monday, December 2, 2019




たとえば、「서울」。「ㅅ」はロマージの「s」、「ㅓ」は「eo」。一緒に서 / seoになる。次の文字は울。」は文字の上にあれば、聞こえない音になる(少なくても私聞こえない(笑))、「ㅜ」はひらがなの「う」みたいです。最後の「」は「r / l」です。 





Thursday, November 21, 2019

Tooned McLaren - Japanese Dialogue in Episode 7 "The Rising Son"

© 2012 McLaren Animation
As an F1 fan I used to follow the Tooned series by the McLaren F1 Team. In Episode 7 of the 2012 season, there was a dialogue between Jenson Button and Lewis Hamilton in Japanese. Unlike back then, I can understand the conversation now.

That's how the dialogue looks in Japanese: 


A literal translation would be like this:
Button: "Hey Lewis. What are we going to do today?"
Hamilton: "Stop. I don't speak Japanese."
Button: "Ah. I see."

The subs are a bit different, but adapted to fit the situation like adding the professor. The sentence is kinda vague anyway.

It is implied that Button knows some Japanese as he had a Japanese girlfriend at that time.

Watching the dialogue now gives me a smile as I can understand it unlike in 2012 watching this episode for the first time. An interesting thing to look back.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Did the Ginyu Force attack Planet Yardrat? - DB Mistranslations

With Dragon Ball Super Chapter 52 and Vegeta's arrival on Planet Yardrat we get some clarification from some things already mentioned back in Dragon Ball Z. However, some localisations missed out a certain fact...

In DB Mistranslations I go through some dialogues which where not correct localized or are interesting enough to take a deeper look into. Last time it was about some dialogues from the Buu Saga, now it's about Freeza and the current arc of the DBS manga.

Back in Age 762 in the middle of the hunt for the Dragon Balls, the Ginyu Force arrives helping to get the magic balls back to Freeza. The emperor of Universe 7 ordered his special force to Namek after the loss of Zarbon and Dodoria as well as the lack of scouters. As seen in an anime filler, the Ginyu Force launches from Planet Freeza 79 straight to Namek to help out.

However, it seems that this wasn't supposed to be the case. The last DBS manga chapter has the following lines where Vegeta talks with a Yardratian:


The official English translations goes it follows:

Yardratian: "The Ginyu Squad caused quite a stir on our planet before Goku defeated them."
Vegeta: "Ah, I do remember hearing that the Ginyu Squad attacked this place."

However, this fact never seemed to be pointed out in other localizations, so let's check out DBZ anime episode 123, where Vegeta actually confirms that the Ginyu Force attacked Yardrat:


Literally: "The Ginyu Force were attacking Planet Yardrat.
So it was programmed to go there."

For me, grown up with the German Dub, it was this line:
"Wie es aussieht war die Zerstörung Yardrats das eigentliche Ziel das Kommandos. Die Kapsel ist per Autopilot dorthin geflogen."

The first sentence in the German Dub leaves it quite open whether the Ginyu Force went to Yardrat or not as it translates to:
"As it seems was the destruction of Yardrat the actual objective of the squad."

My understanding back then was (also keeping the anime filler in mind) that the Ginyu Force was supposed to go to attack Yardrat after the mission of Namek was finished. However, since the clarification in the last DBS chapter it became clear that the Ginyu Force actually attacked Planet Yardrat, but apparently stopped their mission before as they were called to Namek to be ultimately defeated by Goku and Vegeta which the Yardratians still really appreciate.

So as the mission on Yardrat was supposed to continue after the mission on Namek was finished the space pod flew by autopilot the Yardrat.

And Vegeta probably heard about the Yardrat mission while he was on Planet Frieza assuming that the Ginyu Force was already on Yardrat then. Still, the anime filler doesn't help here and is the main cause for the confusion.

Anyway, I hope I could clarify about topic, something I also just learned.

If you have more examples for your local dub about this line, please comment below!

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Location Where Frieza Died and Returned - 「復活のF」Trivia #001

The rocky wasteland where Frieza and his father landed many years ago and being ultimately killed by Future Trunks seemingly played a role in "Resurrection F". Let's take a deeper look in the screenplay of the movie!

As I recently could finally find "Volume F" which includes the screenplay of the movie written by Akira Toriyama I sometimes go through and find some interesting details. Let's get started with the first one: The Location Where Frieza Died and Returned.

So far I didn't expect that the location where Sorbet, Tagoma and the Pilaf Gang summoned Shenlong had a special meaning. However, on page 31 of the volume I found the following line, just mentioned after the a short dialogue between Piccolo and Gohan:


Which would translate to:

On the soil where Frieza was defeated by Trunks.

Means, they actually went to the exact same place to revive Universe 7's emperor. Interestingly it was not mentioned in the movie, Dragon Ball Super Episode 19 or Toyotarou's manga adaptation at all.

So, was it a coincidence that they went to the same area? Or did Sorbet know that you get revived at the same place that you died? Did he even had data of that exact spot? It all more or less states that Frieza was still alive at the moment he was cut into pieces and Shenlong brought him back in the exact same state and seemingly also location. Interesting stuff, it answers one question and opens another. 

There are more details in that volume, next example comes soon!

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

(Moved) Did Android 18 become a human because of an invention from Bulma? - DB Mistranslations

As Dragon Ball was localized in western countries in the early 2000s, apart from anime and manga also other merchandise came along with it. At these times details were often invented rather than keeping the translation close to the original. One thing that came out of it was that Android 18 did become a human again - thanks to Bulma.

First off, I remembered this topic as Geekdom101 recently did a video about the fact that Shenlong couldn't fulfill the wish Krillin had after the Cell Games and that Android 18 is rather a cyborg, so a modified human, who still kept the reproductive organs which explains why she could have a daughter with Krillin.

However, in addition to that, there was a mistranslation which apparently only spread additional false information around Europe.

Information from a sticker album ...

It was in 2001/2002 during the first run of the DBZ TV anime in Germany when Panini released a DBZ sticker album covering the characters and events of DBZ and its movies. In the first album, you find the following quote:

German Quote: 
C-18 verliebt sich in Krilin, dank einer Erfindung Bulmas kann sie wieder in eine echte Frau verwandelt werden.

English translation:

Android 18 fell in love with Krillin and thanks to an invention from Bulma she could turn into a real woman again.

Means, Bulma could achieve where Shenlong failed? Anyway, what could be the origin here? The company Panini is from Italy, so it's likely that the this album was also released there and possible also in countries like France or Spain.

Therefore it's possibly not a mistranslation into German, maybe even from Japanese to Italian. But generally it seems like more made up by the creators of the album, anyway,  I'm curious about the exact origin.

Another hint in the German dub

Interestingly, one line in the German dub suspiciously connects to the statement from the sticker album. In DBZ Episode 227 after losing against Mr. Satan in the 25. Tenkaichi Budokai Bulma questions why Android 18 purposely lost the final fight.

18 doesn't react to Bulma and ignorantly walks away with Marron. Following that Bulma said the following line:

German Dub:
"Eingebildete Ziege... Als ob sie sich was abbrechen würde ... Was ich für sie getan habe, hat sie also schon vergessen."

English translation:
"Cocky goat... As if it would be too much to ask for... So she already forgot what I did for her."

In this context, what could Bulma have done for her? Making her a human? To be fair, the German dialogues are often not following the original and are in some way improvised and exaggerated. Just one line before Bulma said "I cannot understand why Krillin married you" even though that was never mentioned in Japanese.

But back to the quote from above: In the Japanese the line rather seems about general worrying about the situation on why 18 lost on purpose.

Japanese Original:
な...なあに? あの態度。人がせっかく心配してあげてるっていうのに。

English translation:
W-What's with that attitude? People were worrying too much about it.

So as expected the Japanese mentions nothing about it. Anyway, the German line only makes sentence in connection with the quote from the sticker album. I thought it back then and still think the same.

On another note: The German anime adaptation was based on the French version, so possibly some dialogue changes even came from there.

As I wrote before, I'm curious about the origin of this mistranslation. Hope you found this interesting and comment your opinion about this topic if you like. Anyway, thanks for reading!

Any French, Italian or Spanish speakers here? Can you check how this dialogue was translated in your language and if you have the Panini album somewhere, can you take a look if it's similar? Thanks in advance!

Friday, May 31, 2019

「N3へ」今の日本語はどうになった? 「五月の考え」






Saturday, February 23, 2019




まずは去年の海外の話です。この時に私はニュージーランドの南の島のクライストチャーチに住んでいた。ちなみに、私は前にほんとんど一年間にスパインの島に住んでいたドイツ人です。この時に私の自分の料理は必要になりました。しかし、本当に下手です (笑)

でももちろんこの食べ物は本当の魚の指ではありません。この名前はイギリスの英語から。Fish fingersという言葉の意味は「魚の指」。ところがアメリカの英語の単語は違う。これはFish sticks。ちなみに、ドイツ語の言葉と同じ意味です。これはFischstäbchen。
GoogleでFish sticksのカタカナで


Wednesday, January 30, 2019

N3 not passed - as expected!

As I live in Japan now I wanted go to the next level and tried the N3 last December, but it was clear that was it bit too early for me to pass.

Looking back, my JLPT history is certainly not the best read at the first glimpse:
- Failed N5 (07/2016)

- Failed N4 (07/2018)
- Failed N3 (12/2018)

But if you look at how much my Japanese improved during the last year is stunning. Taking part at the tests pushed me further even though I failed. Even one year ago I was considering trying N5 again, but then I thought that would not have given me the challenge I wanted.

And since I live in Japan since August I my level is increasing on a daily basis by conversations, learning vocabulary/grammar, reading manga (yes, currently on Volume 91 of One Piece), seeing characters every day,... Generally living here really helps.

Anyway, back to the test. The biggest issue I had was my lack of reading and understanding speed. Also lots of unknown words. But understanding is a big point and I'm in the situation many Japanese learners are: I understand what a text or a dialogue is about, but not exactly. Who is buying the shoes? Did she only really the yellow ones and bought the blue ones instead? Okay, this could be an issue in any language^^ But seriously, exact understanding is something I really need to focus on. That's why I need to comprehend the grammar better, it's necessary.

Although I thought that the listening was the easiest part I got still more than half wrong, the part of the test where I expected more as I knew I would struggle at longer texts. Maybe the same issue as before.

Anyway, there is still a lot to do, I keep on learning and this time I'm intending to take N3 again in summer. Not planning on N2 just yet, maybe in December if everything goes well in July.

Friday, January 25, 2019

7 years with Anki

Over the years Anki has become an important and useful tool for myself to collect, repeat and learn vocabulary. 

More than seven years ago I was determined to improve my English and learn as much vocabulary as possible. When I read articles online I found new words, I added them into a deck, same as from TV shows like How I Met Your Mother, Lost and many more.

I was going to a school class in the evening after work which included two hours of English study - although it was probably too easy, but at least it helped me getting more personal confidence. Plus, I also added words from the classes to my deck.

Around that time I started creating a new English Anki deck every year to collect vocabulary. It got more and more and it helped me a lot. The repetition pattern was truly helpful.

Therefore it did the same with other languages like for the time I lived in Spain I collected lots of words with Anki.

But especially recently I got really efficient using it with Japanese. I downloaded decks to learn hiragana and katakana, started with  personal deck of my vocabulary.

It has more than 3300 entries by now. First, I entered words only in hiragana or katakana, but then I found the "Ultimate" template which has line for kanji, kana and English translation. And luckily, the well-known dictionary app Jisho has a connection to Anki so that I can easily send words from the dictionary to my own deck.

It allows me to increase vocabulary lists rapidly - especially now living in Japan. I collect words from everywhere: Anime, manga, music, conversations, advertisement, manuals, office work, streets signs,...

My settings give me like 100 words a day and it's seems quite efficient. I also created another personal deck with sentences and initially I also filled out the kana line for the Japanese reading, but now I leave it as I expect myself to be able to read the kanji used in the sentence.

Generally, I can only recommend using Anki - it's a great tool for personalized vocabulary learning and especially to recommend for learning Japanese. Maybe because Anki (暗記) is a Japanese word and means "memorization"...